The 10 most important tips for sensitive teeth and wear and tear
Brushing instead of scrubbing
Tooth wear can occur in various forms and due to different causes. Combinations of different factors are often the cause. So-called wedge-shaped defects (indentations in the tooth neck area, see picture above) are best prevented with a toothpaste that is not too abrasive (ApaCare toothpaste with liquid enamel) and a medium-hard toothbrush (ApaCare Sonic Toothbrush). So-called "attritions".
Expert tip
When brushing, you should avoid (unconscious) scrubbing movements and do not press the toothbrush too hard (gums become just whitish under the toothbrush).
Stress and aggression damage the teeth
Occur as sharp-edged eruptions and microfractures, especially on tooth edges in the area of the occlusal surfaces and incisal edges. This is caused by "2-media wear effects": Tooth against tooth, e.g. due to extensive grinding.
Expert tip
Through evolution, teeth grinding is a deeply rooted element in the nervous system for processing tension and stress. As a rule, this phenomenon cannot be treated causally by dental treatment. It is recommended that dentists make soft anti-wear splints, which are often worn at night, or individual types of relaxation (relaxation, relaxation therapy/exercises).
Tooth wear due to poor diet
So-called "abrasions" usually appear as extensive wear on the teeth in the chewing surface area and can be traced back to 3-media wear effects, where abrasive food (e.g. millet porridge, wholemeal products, etc.) or objects are habitually chewed between the teeth.
Expert tip
Abrasive foods in combination with the habitual consumption of acidic drinks can cause extensive tooth wear within a short period of time, which the dentist is often powerless to prevent. Late consequences can include a lowered bite or temporomandibular joint problems, which often require extensive restorative treatment. Early dental clarification and nutritional counselling is recommended.
Acids dissolve tooth enamel
So-called "tooth erosions" are usually caused by the direct effect of acids on the tooth surface, usually the enamel, which can be completely dissolved in particularly severe cases. Stomach acid (reflux/bulimia) can lead to erosive enamel defects on the side of the tongue, primarily on the molars. Fruit acids, acidic foods (vinegar etc.) or drinks (e.g. cola, white wine etc.) primarily affect the front teeth and the chewing surfaces. Acid erosions appear as round, smooth forms of wear and usually end precisely at the gumline. It is not uncommon for the affected teeth to feel dull for some time immediately after consuming acidic foods or drinks. The best prevention is the daily application of repair paste such as ApaCare Repair Tooth Repair Paste in the evening after brushing your teeth.
Expert tip
You should refrain from brushing your teeth immediately after consuming acidic foods and drinks (wait at least 1 hour). For example, if you want to drink a glass of fresh orange juice in the morning or a glass of wine in the evening, it is best to avoid brushing your teeth afterwards and brush them thoroughly beforehand.
Tooth malformation / stained teeth
Often similar in appearance, but fundamentally different from signs of wear and tear, are "developmental dental malformations". The frequency of these appears to be increasing, with the main causes being discussed being genetic malformations and anomalies, early childhood infections, antibiotics, side effects of medication, trauma or environmental influences. In many cases, the anterior teeth and the first molars (molars) in the posterior region are affected (see ApaCare guide chalk teeth enamel formation disorders hypomineralisation).
Expert tip
Those affected should seek professional advice from a dentist as soon as possible. Particular caution is required when using fluoride tablets or fluoride combination preparations in infants (first year of life) in order to avoid fluoride overdoses in conjunction with modern fluoride-containing children's toothpastes (risk of dental fluorosis: whitish, rarely brownish enamel stains).
Why tooth necks can become sensitive
Sensitive tooth necks are widespread. It is estimated that around 40% of all adults between the ages of 20 and 40 are or have been affected. Gum recession and/or signs of wear lead to exposed tooth necks or root surfaces. The tooth has many (dentinal) tubules in this area, into which nerve processes radiate from the inside of the tooth and which are surrounded by fluid. Thermal (especially cold) or osmotic (sweet/sour) stimuli can cause this column of fluid in the dentinal tubules to move, which can sometimes cause severe, short-lasting, shooting pain in response to these stimuli.
Expert tip
Many sensitivities disappear by themselves after a while. Toothpaste with liquid enamel and fluoride (ApaCare) is the best way to prevent this.
Are sensitive teeth at risk of loss?
Although hypersensitivity can severely impair the quality of life, it correlates with a vital dental pulp (intact dental nerve). Teeth with hypersensitivity reactions do not show higher loss rates than comparable non-sensitive teeth. The treatment of hypersensitivity is therefore based on the individual suffering of the affected person. Sensitive tooth necks are best treated by applying ApaCare Repair tooth repair paste daily after brushing your teeth. Preferably in the evening after brushing your teeth. After just a few days, there should be a significant and lasting improvement.
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First of all, it is very important to eliminate or minimise the causative factors. This applies in particular to the cause of signs of wear in the cervical area: especially acidic food/drinks, incorrect brushing technique or the use of highly abrasive or whitening toothpastes.
What can you do at home to combat hypersensitivity?
Special toothpastes for sensitive teeth contain various active ingredients that are intended to dampen hypersensitive nerve reactions. However, this often does not work in the long term. The most effective way to close the causative open dentin tubules is to use tooth repair pastes such as ApaCare Repair tooth repair paste, which are applied after brushing your teeth. In addition or alternatively, the tooth necks or sensitive tooth surfaces can be carefully dabbed dry and treated with ApaCare mineralising dental varnish (brush bottle). This sticks for a few hours to days and often provides immediate and lasting relief. Both ApaCare Repair tooth repair paste and ApaCare tooth varnish contain micro-fine enamel crystals that penetrate deep into the canals, fuse with the tooth and close the original open canals.
Expert tip
In severe cases or to intensify the treatment, we recommend using ApaCare Repair tooth repair paste in conjunction with dental splints (ApaCare Repair dental splint), which are best worn overnight (everything you need is included in the ApaCare Sensitive Teeth Kit).
What can the dentist do about hypersensitive teeth?
Dentists can professionally seal the open dentin tubules. There is a wide range of sealing materials available for this purpose, from plastic adhesive (composite) to liquid enamel varnish (ApaCare dental varnish), which are applied to the affected tooth necks depending on the individual situation and are usually hardened. Cervical fillings or crowns are only required in rare cases.
Expert tip
Sensitive tooth necks can be professionally sealed very successfully.
What to do if none of this helps?
Severe sensitivity to cold can also be the first signs of reversible or even irreversible dental neuritis. In contrast to hypersensitivity reactions, the cold pain in these cases often lasts longer or is accompanied by radiating pain in response to warm stimuli. Night pain often occurs and the painful region begins to radiate. Such symptoms of irreversible dental nerve inflammation should be immediately clarified by a dentist.
Expert tip
In case of doubt, if there is no improvement, if the pain increases or if there is pain when warm, a dental examination is recommended at short notice.