Chalk teeth
Enamel formation disorders
A guide
Whitish or brownish discoloration, structural anomaly up to tooth malformation.
So-called chalk teeth are the result of disturbed enamel formation during tooth development. Both milk teeth and permanent teeth can be affected, in some children and adolescents even both dentitions.
A special form of this irreversible enamel formation disorder is the so-called molar-incisor hypomineralization, MIH for short, which affects the first molars (molars) and the middle anterior teeth. The upper jaw is statistically more frequently affected than the lower jaw. In most cases, the changes are recognized when the teeth erupt, in the case of permanent teeth usually from the age of 6.
There are different degrees of expression. 90% of all MIH cases show whitish-creamy to yellowish-brownish, opaque discolorations, but with largely intact structure and unchanged tooth shape. More severe manifestations are characterized by structural defects (mostly pores) to slight changes in tooth shape. In rare very severe cases, yellowish-brownish, very pronounced morphological changes in shape and structural collapse are present.
Frequency and complications
In German-speaking countries today, about 30% of 10-year-old children and about 40% of 15-year-old adolescents have at least one hypomineralization of the remaining teeth. Approximately 10% to 15% of this age group worldwide suffer from MIH (chalk teeth); 5% in a severe form of progression.
A frequent complication is early superimposed, usually rapidly progressing caries in the affected areas.
In severe cases, the affected teeth are often very sensitive or painful. Functional limitations in chewing and not infrequently social problems may occur (optic).
The cause is still unclear
Today, it is more likely that a combination of several causes could be responsible.
several causes could be responsible.
In particular, early childhood respiratory diseases such as asthma
bronchial disease, pneumonia, pseudocroup, etc., are suspected to be
croup, etc., are suspected, probably together with a genetic
Also drug interactions to early childhood antibiotics or asthma sprays in early childhood or endocrine interactions, for example with special plastics (e.g. Bis-GMA) are discussed.
Causal prevention is hardly possible
Since the causal factors and the triggers of the disease have not yet been clarified, primary prophylaxis for prevention is unfortunately not possible to date.
Nevertheless, there are indications that vitamin D administration, which is also for the prevention of rickets in the first year of life (e.g. V. (e.g. Vigantol drops or similar), could have a positive effect and and support the prevention.
Early clarification recommended
Tooth discoloration and enamel malformations often have different different reasons, and it is not always a matter of chalky teeth. In any case, an early examination and early examination and clarification by a dentist. Especially if the teeth are persistently sensitive or painful. Only can differentiate which disorder is present and which treatment is most treatment is most promising.
For regular careful, daily tooth cleaning, preferably with sensitive electric toothbrushes toothbrushes (ApaCare Sonic), fluoride-containing toothpastes toothpastes, preferably in combination with liquid enamel, such as ApaCare Toothpaste should be used. Liquid enamel is the the stuff teeth are made of, what is missing in chalky teeth. missing.
Professional treatment at home
Liquid enamel works best when applied after brushing with highly concentrated intensive repair pastes such as ApaCare Repair using a dental splint (ApaCare Repair dental splint) on the affected teeth of the dental arch. The recommended minimum exposure time is 20 minutes, the splint with the ApaCare Repair tooth repair paste can also be worn throughout the night. worn throughout the night.
The enamel minerals from the liquid enamel attach themselves to the tooth surface, penetrate it and "fuse" with it.
In addition or as an alternative, the affected tooth surfaces can be treated regularly after brushing with ApaCare mineralizing tooth varnish (brush bottle). This sticks to the affected areas for a few hours up to 2-3 days and sustainably releases enamel minerals to the tooth.
Everything you need (incl. instructions) is included in the ApaCare Chalk Tooth Kit for self-treatment.
By the way: Highly concentrated fluoride varnishes or jellies are usually of little use on their own.
What the dentist should do
Regular, close-meshed check-ups with the dentist (every 3-6 months, depending on the severity and age) are indispensable. This documents the enamel defects and their progression, as well as the effect of the aforementioned remineralization.
The dentist can also clean and dry the teeth gently and apply bonding varnish such as ApaCare mineralizing dental varnish. This reduces sensitivities in the long term and supports remineralization even further.
It is very important to detect caries at an early stage and to treat it with remineralizing varnish (ApaCare dental varnish) or targeted small-area fillings. In severe cases, a long-term provisional or permanent restoration with partial crowns or crowns may be necessary.
The very last (exceptional) measure is tooth extraction and, if possible, orthodontic closure of the gap. gap closure.